NYSVMS,”We Scored A Direct Hit”, “Marshal Our Forces”, “Implement Our Tactics”

Yesterday, the NYSVMS stopped our cat protection bill in NY, that would have ended the elective, non-therapeutic mutilating procedure that these unethical veterinary professionals like to call a “medical procedure.” It’s NOT a medical procedure but they convinced enough NY Senators that pro-declaw vets should be able to keep amputating kitties toe bones and claws and stopped the NY Cat Protection bill.
These “leaders” who run these powerful and rich veterinary associations, pretend like they really really care about cats and say if declawing was banned then many cats would be thrown away to shelters and euthanized.
We Don’t Need Your Educational Info, We Get Ours From The AVMA

I’m doing this post to make a few points. The big pro-declaw Veterinary Associations like the NYSVMS, AVMA, and all the other state vet associations say that the decision about declawing should be in the hands of the veterinary profession and not the government or social media.
Well my friends. The hard, cold facts are that most of the pro-declaw veterinarians can’t be trusted that they are counseling clients about the humane alternatives, doing it as a very last resort, giving their clients accurate declawing information, and following the guidelines that these veterinary authorities have put out.

In a nutshell, the NYSVMS says that vets don’t make much money declawing kittens and cats , they always educate their clients on alternatives and tell them it is serious amputations and that it isn’t good for a cat’s health and well being , if cat owners can’t declaw their cats then 50% of them wouldn’t get a cat and then those cats will be in shelters and euthanized , the reason the cats in shelters significantly decreased in the 8 cities in California that banned declawing had nothing to do with the ban, human doctors know what they are doing when they recommend declawing for humans with health problems, declawed cats never have pain because they give them great pain meds, declawed cats don’t have litter box avoidance or biting issues from the declaws, owners who had their cats declawed say that amputating their cat’s toes and claws met or exceeded their expectations, improved their relationship with their cats and their cats had a high quality of life with no pain or negative consequences, the majority of veterinarians never experience a cat losing their toes and paws or complications as a result of a declaw.
CAT LOVERS! URGENT CALL TO ACTION!!! Support the Cat Protection Bill in NY

Today the NYSVMS President Dr Susan Wylegala sent out a Call to Action to all of her 5000 NY state veterinarians and told them that an amendment was quietly made to the declaw legislation late last night by our friends and allies , Senator Griffo and Assemblywoman Rosenthal.
This President told her “doctors” today that it is time for the NYSVMS members to come together and OPPOSE our Cat Protection Bill!!!
The Story of Floyd and his Accidental Declaw

Meet Floyd, the rescue kitty.
He accidentally had his toes and claws amputated at a veterinary practice.
Instead of getting dewormed, Floyd got declawed.
The Minute You Are Ready To Give Up

A wise person once said that the minute you are ready to give up, a miracle will happen. I need a miracle. Dear friends and supporters, Forgive me and I have to vent. This was a typical weekend for me. I start my days by answering emails and notes from people and seeing what the […]
Dear Beth Stern, We Are On The Same Side

Dear Beth,
I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings and made you think that I don’t appreciate what you do for cats. Nothing in my comments on the photo of the sad, declawed cat on your instagram page conveyed that you or your rescue condone declawing. I know that you and Animal League believe declawing is bad and wrong and that’s why I asked if you would use your voices for support instead of staying silent on this Cat Protection Bill.
Singing Kumbayah and Holding Hands

Listen folks. I know that most of you are on board with me with this cause and appreciate what I do and how I run things. But I also know that there are some you who think I could do things better or differently. And guess what. I’m all ears and open to any […]

New York. May 4, 2016 President Obama has finally appointed a strong leader to the Supreme Court. “City the Kitty, although relatively small in stature, standing only about 16 inches tall, and very young, I believe he is the youngest Justice ever at only 7 years of age, is the most qualified candidate I have ever known,” said the President at the Confirmation Hearing. “He is extremely knowledgeable about our most pressing and important issue in North America today, cat toes.”
NYSVMS Declares War On Innocent Cats

The unenlightened vets of the New York State Veterinary Medical Society (NYSVMS) have declared war on innocent cats. I found a memo that has officially started the battle over the bill in NY to ban declawing.