Why Did Cats Only Veterinary Clinic in Searcy, Arkansas Put Up This Declawing Billboard?

Story published Dec. 1, 2021 Cats Only Veterinary Clinic put up this billboard in November 2021, on Harkrider St. at Bruce St. in Conway, AR which is around 50 miles from his clinic. Here’s more about Cats Only Veterinary Clinic and declawing clinics in Searcy. Cats Only Veterinary Clinic and Declawing in Searcy, AR According […]
Cat Owners Beware! Declawing Vets In Arkansas Make Good Money From This Animal Cruelty. Don’t Let Your Cats Be Their Next Victim.

r 2021
This veterinarian, Dr Stan Carlin, is declawing cats by chopping part their their last toe bone off. He is declawing cats using the old school, guillotine clipper method as he explains here on his website. He says that this method is the right way to declaw a cat. He says that it is a humane option and says, “Declaw Gently” on his website.
We Must Educate These Old-School Declawing Veterinarians

This is one of the many archaic, old-school declawing vets who needs to be educated about the facts about declawing. He must love cats since he has a cats only vet practice and even says, “We love them like you do” on his website.
Dr Carlin surely doesn’t realize that he is unwillingly mutilating so many cats and he needs our help. He is using declawing information from 1974.