Amputating Laboratory Cat’s Toes To Test A Pain Med

These unethical humans used some of their cats that were purpose-bred laboratory cats from their colony and amputated the toes and claws on ONE paw, then did a washout/crossover, and 2 weeks later amputated the toes and claws on the cat’s other paw. Whatever treatment they got (Simbadol or nothing) the first time, they got the opposite the second.

They say in this study that none of the cats required “rescue” pain meds. Really??? In this day and age, why would anyone think it’s EVER okay for ANY cat to receive ZERO pain meds after barbarically having their toe bones and claws amputated is beyond me.

NYSVMS Opposes Legislation That Would Protect Animals From Cruelty

The NYSVMS isn’t hiding the fact that they don’t care about the welfare of ducks or cats. They are currently working hard to kill the bill in NY that would ban declawing and in 2013 they were the leader in killing a bill that would have stopped the inhumane force feeding of ducks for foie gras.

AAFP, American Association of Furniture Protectors

If the AAFP truly cares about the welfare of cats, they can do what their European equivalents, International Society of Feline Medicine/, have done for years, and that is to only give their Cat Friendly accreditation to practices to vet practices that don’t declaw cats.

The Apathy of Declawing

We must keep educating cat owners about the FACTS about declawing. Throughout the last couple years of taking on this important cause to end declawing I’ve learned this dirty little secret about declawing in the veterinary profession.

The AVMA cyberbullies a little orange cat who is trying to end animal cruelty (Declawing)

I am a medium sized orange tabby who’s had a rough couple of months.
I was canned from my job at Friskies and then I got really sick with some sort of dizzying vestibular problem.
Then my mom was picked on by the very big and powerful veterinary organization, the AVMA, who accused us of cyber bullying them in the America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest.
I’m just trying to keep kitty paws healthy and happy by ending declawing. Why do they call me such horrible names and want to shun me?
What has the world come to when a kitty can’t use his fame to protect other kitties?