CAT LOVERS! URGENT CALL TO ACTION!!! Support the Cat Protection Bill in NY

Today the NYSVMS President Dr Susan Wylegala sent out a Call to Action to all of her 5000 NY state veterinarians and told them that an amendment was quietly made to the declaw legislation late last night by our friends and allies , Senator Griffo and Assemblywoman Rosenthal.
This President told her “doctors” today that it is time for the NYSVMS members to come together and OPPOSE our Cat Protection Bill!!!

Chuckie – Deceived By A Veterinarian and Declawed By A Laser

I unfortunately had my kittie Chuckie declawed when he was a kitten. That was seven years ago. We took him to the vet to get his shots and the vet told me there was a new laser surgery that didn’t hurt the kitties at all.
Since I knew he was not going to be outside ever, I thought that what the vet said was true and let him do it. That was before I started reading about how horrible declawing was and I’ve felt so guilty about doing that to Chuckie ever since.

2016-2017 NYSVMS Officers- Do they practice what they preach?

I thought that the veterinarians who would most likely be practicing what they preach in regards to declawing, would be the Presidents and board members at the New York State Veterinary Medical Society. After all, they want all the legislators to believe and trust them to believe that declawing must remain a procedure on their lists of services at their practices.

I’m Being Cyber-Bullied and I’m Not Saying This For Attention

There’s a crime being committed against cats in the American veterinary profession and everyone in the cat world is talking about. Well almost everyone.
It’s called declawing and it MUST stop. Soft paws and scratchers are healthy and humane alternatives.
Amputating cat’s toes and claws is torture and inhumane.

Alley Cat Allies Uses Their Voice to Protect Cats

I’m so excited because my friends at Alley Cat Allies just sent me their letters of support for the bill in NY that would BAN the inhumane procedure of amputating cat’s toes and claws, called declawing.

Alley Cat Allies is using their voice to be part of the solution to help end this cruel torture and unnecessary amputations that is done to 25-40% of cats in America. That’s around 2 million cats a year who are sentenced to this evil and horrific procedure. They are doing the right thing.

Help Us Gather Evidence On a Crime Committed Against Kitties

I’m doing research to see what people are being told vs. what the truth is.
I really want to hear from cat people who were either never told exactly what declawing was or who were deceived by their “doctors” to believe that declawing was ok and not bad for your cat. Just like Misty’s mom was.

The Point of the Declawing Cartoon

(From Forbes) My friends, many of you are writing me about this cartoon that is circulating on the internet. Just to clear up any confusion, here is the rest of the story. I reached out to this cartoonist, Kirk Anderson, and asked him if I could get some insight from him about his cartoon.   […]

Imagine A World Where Declawing Doesn’t Exist

Who knew when I was born that I would spend my life trying to undo an egregious wrong?
Who knew that when I met my mom, that we would embark on a fight that would consume our lives protecting others’ lives?
Who knew that “doctors” who took an oath to do no wrong, could be paid so little to break that oath and sell their good consciences?