Lies about declawing from A Cat Hospital in Nevada.

  Story published Nov. 2018 UPDATE Feb. 2021. This is an AAFP CAT FRIENDLY GOLD PRACTICE.  AAFP announced in Dec. 2020 that they will no longer allow declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY Practices in July 2021. This is one of the many examples of why we MUST ban declawing and why WE must educate the […]

Pro-Declaw Veterinarian’s Excuses For Mutilating Cats

November 12, 2018 Quote from a declawing veterinarian who is interviewed in a story in the Victoria Advocate newspaper in Texas. “”Declawing is not the same as ear-cropping, which is done for cosmetic purposes said Dr. Shana Bohac of Lakeway Veterinary Clinic in Edna. “That to me is worse than declawing a cat. There are […]

When America’s Favorite Veterinarians Knew Better, Did They Do Better?

October 31, 2018 This is a follow-up story to see if any of the top 10 finalists in the infamous 2015  AVMA/AVMF’s America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest stopped declawing. What we found is that 2 of the finalists in the top ten stopped declawing shortly after the contest was cancelled and one more stopped declawing sometime […]

A Declawing Vet In Denial and Chicken The Cat’s Tragic Story

Chicken the cat was declawed with a scalpel on June 6, 2018 by Dr Ellie Scott at Stringtown Animal Hospital. She has been limping, standing up with her paws up, crawling, eating laying down in her food, and not covering her waste in her litter box ever since.

The Austin Anti-Declawing Bill. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Dr Gina Vance, President of the Capital Area Veterinary Medical Association, went on to say, “The decision to perform any veterinary treatment or therapy should be made by the pet owner and the veterinarian on a case-by-case basis within the context of a veterinary doctor client patient relationship.”

A Councilman asked Dr Vance, “Is elective declawing for non-medical reasons a treatment or therapy?”

Dr Gina Vance replied, “It can be considered a behavioral treatment.”
Dr Gina Vance also stated, “We try everything we can to talk people out of it.”

Another Perspective About the Facts About Declawing

“First, let us reflect on the fact that the US is one of the few remaining modern countries that still allows this practice. It has actually been outlawed in most other countries, because of the physical and psychological effects it has on the animal. In most European countries, and Australia, you would actually lose your license to practice vet medicine if you were to perform this surgery, where it is uniformly viewed as unethical and inhumane.

JAVMA Gives A Platform to AVMA Vet Who Claims Declaw Method is Painless and Uses No Pain Meds

“Because the method described by Dr. Yoon preserves the flexor process of the third phalanx and the attachment of the flexor tendons to this process, it may, theoretically, provide some benefits over procedures that involve removal of the third phalanx in its entirety. However, outcomes of this procedure, particularly long-term outcomes, still need to be studied. Comment by Kurt J. Matushek, DVM, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA)

He drew up the solution and euthanized that sweet declawed kitten in a matter of minutes.

The vet never mentioned the real reason for the kitten’s behavior, which was the horrible pain in her toes from that declaw surgery. He drew up the euthanasia solution and euthanized that sweet declawed kitten in a matter of minutes.

I cried for that kitten for weeks afterwards. I felt the pain, fear, and suffering every kitten and cat endured because of those declaw surgeries for the whole of my career.

Colorado Veterinary Medical Association Fights The Declaw Ban in Denver. Here’s Why.

November 5, 2017 the Denver City Council unanimously passed the anti-declaw bill and then on November 13, 2017 the City Council unanimously approved the anti-declawing ordinance. Declawing is illegal in the city of Denver!
The Colorado Veterinary Medical Association is the only organization that fought to stop this bill so their vets can keep declawing cats.

My team of researchers did a survey of vet practices in the city of Denver after the Denver City Council voted 11-0 to ban declawing. I wanted to see how the vet practices in Denver address declawing and if word had gotten out that declawing was going to be illegal.
My researchers posed as cat owners who were checking on a price to get their cat declawed. This research was conducted from Nov. 7-9, 2017.