“Humane Cat Declawing from Your Las Vegas Veterinarian” CAT FRIENDLY GOLD PRACTICE

The researcher said they were concerned about reading things online about how declawing is bad so they asked the employee if their vets are skilled at them and is is ok long term for a cat. The employee at this AAFP CAT FRIENDLY practice said, “We do declaws at least a couple a week.” They said that the younger the cat the better and it’s best to do the declaw when they are a kitten.

The researcher asked why their declaw procedure is “humane.” The employee said because, “We do it the correct way, the way it is supposed to be done.” They use a scalpel to do the declaws.

Declawed and maimed at an AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital.

This AAHA and AAFP Cat Friendly practice’s long time vet tech tells a first time cat owner that the only time you would do all four paw declaw is, “if your cat has a skin condition or it’s one of those cats that doesn’t have fur.”

She said, “Declawing is very looked down upon from a lot of different organizations.” She said, “Basically you are removing the top digit like removing the top tip on your finger tips and there are a lot of nerves there.” She said there is a chance of things being, “bumped the wrong way or in recovery a little open but about 95% of cats we declaw we don’t have issues.” She said that when the cats are older and heavier is when there are issues with a declaw.

Declawing A Cat, Dog, or Kinkajou is ALWAYS an Amputation Surgery

A supporter sent me this picture that a kinkajou owner posted on facebook. The owner said in a comment that she had her kinkajou 4 paw declawed because, “the declawing allows us to give them (she had another kinkajou named Mazy declawed) more freedom in the home. She said that her mom is on blood thinners and the kinkajou would “inadvertently” claw her. She said that her mom would , “help me bathe her, clip her nails or even play with her and she’d get cut up and bleed.”
This owner also said, “only his nails were lasered off. His toes are intact,” in a comment on facebook.

Let’s Hope For A Future Where ALL Veterinarians Will Be Like This One

“What it boiled down to for me was I wanted to spend my time focusing on helping our animal companions feel their best and live the longest and healthiest life possible. Those type of procedures fall outside of the scope of what I wanted to achieve with my professional career when everything is said and done and I retire from medicine.”

Declawing A Cat Is NOT “Cat Friendly”

An American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) Cat Friendly Practice, recently posted a video on facebook of a ragdoll kitten that was just declawed and said he is doing “great” after having his toes amputated. Here is a screenshot of the video that was posted on June 15, 2017.
This vet has declawing info on her website that says, “The declaw procedure is a surgical removal of the claw. Contrary to rumors and misinformed sources, declawing is not the removal of any of the actual toe itself, just the claw.”
This is a complete lie.

We Must Educate The Old School Veterinarians About Declawing

City the Kitty sitting on a Desk

June 2017 I’ve come to the conclusion that we are the ones who need to educate the old school vets about the truth and facts about declawing. The younger vets that are deceiving cat owners about the facts about declawing, most likely know the truth but don’t want to lose the income from amputating cat […]

I Use My Authority To Abuse And Harm Cats

“As a veterinarian what I am not thrilled with is the legislature wanting to insert itself into my professional capacity. I am the one who is the authority, I have gone through the classes, I have had the instruction, I spent eight years of my life becoming very educated about these things. I think it comes down to being involved in the details of the procedure and knowing the situation in which you apply the procedure,” says Dr Chris Brockett, 2014 President of the NYSVMS, speaking about the anti-declawing bill in NY in this news video.

Declawing Ban Saves Cats Lives

In addition, statistics from the Los Angeles Animal Service Department indicate that there was no significant change in absolute numbers of cats adopted from our city shelters in the five years after the declaw ban as compared to five years prior to ban. Furthermore, as a ratio of cat intake, the adoption rate has gone actually increased. I can confidently state that the declaw ban did NOT have a negative effect on cat adoption in Los Angleles city shelters.