I received this note from a very concerned and compassionate cat owner and I’m going to do everything I can to get help for her declawed cat,Clairabelle. This kitty was declawed by a “trusted” veterinarian. It was not a “health decision.”  It was a decision to protect a piece of furniture. We must stop these untrustworthy and unethical vets who do so much harm to cats from declawing them.
Every cat deserves to keep its much needed claws and live a life healthy and free of pain and suffering.

Dear City,
My name is Marybeth and I have always been against declawing kitties.
In 2015 I adopted a 5 year old calico that was front paw declawed. She was declawed with her spay surgery.
I was told that she is a pure breed straight ear Scottish fold.
I picked her up in a freak snowstorm at 4 am because her former owner was leaving on vacation and would be dropping her at the vet for euthanasia if I couldn’t get her that morning. They said she was having cat pan issues. I was certain I could help her and I fell in love with the pictures they sent me of her. I’m happy to say that we never had any pan issues.
She is getting older and I noticed that her right leg was sensitive sometimes after she would jump down off the furniture. Lately, she is limping most of the time. I can feel a pointed piece of what I think is bone in her sore toe.
She is a love bug but when she is hurting she will gently bite my hand while I’m checking her feet. I love her dearly and I know she was destined to be my baby for the remainder of her days.
I am in Mesa Arizona and need to find a good vet to help her.
I am very low income and will need to make payments on the treatment she needs.
Would you be able to suggest someone in my area. I don’t want to have her butchered again, as my Clairabelle deserves better.
Thank you so much for everything you do. I cringe when I see all these beautiful kitties being butchered. You make sure people are aware of the dangers of declawing and alternatives. I use PurdyPaws nail covers on my other 2 cat’s nails.

Marybeth and Clairabelle


Tonight I caught her pulling on her bad foot so I looked at it. Normally the third toe has a sharp knot just under the skin, but now the first toe has a blackish thin hard piece of what looks like nail that is about an 1/4″ long sticking through the skin. It is oozing blood where she is pulling at it. The second toe has what looks like a blackish blood blister that had a hard sharp bone/nail piece that has not come through yet.

She sent me this photo

Please sign my petitions in honor of Clairabelle.

Petition by the Paw Project for the anti-declawing bill in NY- http://bit.ly/NYantideclawBill