I’m writing you today from my heart Grumpy Cat. I hope you will help us save kitties from this senseless, cruel, and inhumane thing.
We really need your help.
It would only take about 5 minutes of your mom’s time to help save an entire generation of cats from something so cruel and unimaginable. Something very horrific that is done to cats and it is already banned in most of the rest of the world because of how inhumane it is.
Grumpy we’ve been friends for quite awhile. We used to work together doing fun influencer posts for a cool cat food company. The times I loved the most were doing posts that would help feed hungry shelter cats. It made me feel good that I had a job and also was being a part of something special for homeless cats in shelters. I miss those times with you but I’m glad you are still their number one Spokescat.
I have fond memories of when I was personally invited to your 2nd birthday party back in NY in 2014. Since I don’t travel well, I sent my mom. She was so happy and honored to be there representing me.
She had an amazing time and your nice uncle even said she could hold you. She said she was a little nervous because you seemed so little and fragile. 
We spent many fun and special times together.
Hours and hours sitting by the window talking about the birds, the bees and life and things that only us cats understand.
The times I shared my cat trees with you even though the space was limited. I know you were grateful for that.
I remember those challenging times that I tried to teach you some of my cat wisdom but your attention span was quite short and you got even grumpier.
You couldn’t even see over the desk so I used some Paw Project movies to make you taller. Teachers have such an important job and I respected them even more after that day!
I have fond memories of the times that I helped promote your projects and I tried my best to put on my grumpiest face to show my support.
I remember that day when I tried my best to cheer you up but it didn’t seem to work.
I remember feeling so proud of you because you were popping up everywhere… on tv, in the movies, and in the most coolest places with all the biggest companies in the world. Your fame was bigger than any cat could ever imagine.
Your reach was far and you had a stage and platform that could wield such power of influence in every way. I wished and wished every day and night that I had that big of a reach, only so that I could use it help end this inhumane thing.
Recently, in December when I was canned from my job and then came down with that scary and disabling vestibular disease on Christmas day, you were there to comfort me.
You spooned me when I was sad and scared. You stayed awake all night long to make sure I was ok, when my mom went to sleep.
And you told me to put my paw on your heart and believe that I would someday get better. (You weren’t afraid of my claws either) You were right. Thankfully, I got better.
I told you all my deepest, darkest secrets.
Now I am asking you for help.
You have done so much for your mom. You helped her from being a struggling single mom who was working all the time as a waitress at a Red Lobster, to this glamorous and wealthy life. I would bet that she would return the favor if you somehow could ask her to.
We all know that claws and toes are important for all cats to have. They play a huge part of our lives and are the essence of what makes us cats. They are very important for so many aspects of our health and well-being.
You thankfully still have yours, so you should know.
But sadly Grumpy cat, so many kitties are having them cruelly taken away in the most painful, inhumane and cruel procedure known in veterinary medicine. And mostly all for a piece of furniture.
Please ask your mom if she would help us and raise awareness about something that has been done to 22 million cats and kittens in America and Canada. Something that is so horrific and painful, that cats are maimed, disabled, and even die from it.
Something that is taken so lightly by many “doctors” that they post coupons for it, they promote it, they lie about how safe and ok it is to their cat clients, they make a ton of $$$ from doing it, and they even trivialize and make fun of it.

And they even are doing it in YOUR name, to cats that look like you.
So Grumpy Cat, if somehow you can show this to your mom and ask her to just do ONE tweet or one post about this injustice that is being done to our fellow kitty’s, your legacy would be even more awesome because you would be saving so many kitties from such unnecessary pain and suffering.
There are so many other kitties who have helped us to raise awareness with this important cause. Some of them you know and even work with. Nala Cat, Lil Bub, Didga the skateboarding cat, Venus the two faced cat, Oskar and Klaus, Cole and Marmalade, Porkchop, Oreo cat, Professor Pouncey, and I Am The Great Went are some of them who have helped to raise awareness and have saved so many kitties.
I will tell you from the bottom of my heart that my mom and I wake up and work on this cause for 16 hr days, 7 days a week as volunteers. We’ve been doing this for the last 2 years and it is the most fulfilling thing that we both have ever done because we know we are saving cats and kittens from a lifetime of pain and suffering. (And she had an award winning career as a staff photographer at the Latimes for 25 yrs but she says this is even just as fulfilling if not more)
I gave up many special and fun projects that I was working on because I knew so many kitties needed help. I gave up chasing the fame and fortune because I saw so much suffering in so many helpless kitties who didn’t deserve such a cruel and inhumane fate. I’ve risked losing endorsements and work. You are so established that you don’t have to worry about losing your full-time job as the face of the cat food company. They would never let you go for just one tweet or one post to educate and create awareness for this terrible injustice.
I’ve even risked the welfare of me and my families lives.
I hope your mom listens to your heart and does this one very important favor for you.
You have a huge voice Grumpy Cat and a stage with millions of eyes on you. You can use it to help those with no voice who desperately need our help. And deserve it.
This is a shining moment to help your fellow cats and felinekind in a way that is bigger than you have ever done. If you do help, you will be remembered for more than your fame and fortune. You will be remembered for something so noble and so compassionate.You will be remembered as being a true advocate for cats and for speaking out when it was a risky yet so important message to get out.
One tweet.
One post.
A few words from you that would be heard ’round the world and truly save so many of our friends. You would be a true cat hero to millions of us for doing this.
This can’t keep happening Grumpy!! Not on our watch.
The bill in NY was recently stopped by the evil forces and leaders with the veterinary associations under the guise of wanting to keep their “medical procedures” but it’s all about those green things and their egos and power. They don’t want to lose that income from inhumanely amputating kitties toe bones and claws.
But there is a bill in NJ that was introduced to ban declawing in that state so let’s hope the veterinary leaders in that state will be moral, ethical, and help us pass this important Cat Protection Bill.
I hope your mom wakes up and realizes that you came into her life for a good reason and it could be to help save lots of kitties from being tortured and harmed even if it means doing just one single post.
City the Kitty
And if you need to read more it is on my blog at citythekitty.com
Here is a very sad story that should be known to the world but sadly these 3 kitties are suffering in silence [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/3-kitties-declaw-story/” color=”orange”] 3 Once Perfect Kitties Story[/button]