I received this note from Kristen about her beautiful kitty, Taz.

Hi city the kitty. My name is Kristen and although I didn’t have my baby declawed four years ago I would like to tell you my story.
My baby, Tasmanian Devil was a graduation gift when I graduated high school in 2002. We waited til he was a year old then we got him fixed. When he got home he was so mad he tore up my mother’s couch.
We decided to talk to his vet about declawing. Well, we were told that he would be put under and there would be no pain whatsoever.
He was so very wrong, when it got cold his paws would swell and it was hard for him to walk. I felt horrible and heart broken.
Years later I learned exactly what the vet did to my baby and we weren’t informed about all the details.
Needless to say his vet up and retired.
I lost my baby January 4, 2016 due to respiratory problems. I miss him everyday but I got 13 wonderful years with him.
That’s my story on how uninformed and uneducated I was on declawing and I have other fur babies and would never ever put them through what Taz went through.
I really hope it helps other cat owners understand the pain and heartache it causes our four legged people.
In my house our cats and dogs are not animals, they are people. We love our people with all our being.
I have been wanting to write to you but never had the nerve.
This time I felt the need to make humans aware of this horrible crime.
Animal Abuse is what it is.
Thank you City for all that you are doing for your fellow kitties.
Thank you to all of you who help with this important cause to end declawing. I’ve received many letters on how you are so sad and upset that your veterinarian deceived you about this inhumane procedure.
I still would like to hear from more cat owners who had their cats declawed in California in the last 4 yrs so please send them to [email protected]
Even if you don’t think your kitty was harmed from this inhumane and mutilating procedure, ALL cats and kittens will suffer some sort of long-term negative consequence and pain from having their toes amputated…this is 100% true. 25-33% of all cats in America are put through this appalling and unnecessary torture…for a sofa.
Use your brain disbelievers and wake up. Amputating a toe bone and making a cat walk on the severed tendons, nerves, and tissue for the rest of their lives, will never feel “normal” or good. Plus cats need their claws for so many aspects of their health and well being. Do you due diligence and stop being willfully ignorant about doing this torture and harm to your kitties. Here are some facts about declawing to fill your brain [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/helpful-advice-for-scratching-issues-and-declawing-facts/” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Facts about declawing[/button]
Cats are notorious for hiding their pain and suffering so even if you think your kitty is fine from having their much needed toe bones and claws amputated, they aren’t.
Get with the modern world American cat owners and stop buying into the unethical pro-declaw veterinarians deceitful ways in regards to declawing. They just want your $$ and don’t care if they are torturing or harming your beloved kitties. But YOU should.
Veterinarians in most of the rest of the world are simply appalled at vets in North America who do this inhumane surgery. Any vet that declaws kitties is a complete shame to the veterinary profession.
Tagged aafp, aaha, America's Favorite Veterinarian, American Animal Hospital Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, animal abuse, animal cruelty, aspca, avma, avmf, cat, cats, cats scandalous, city the kitty, declawed, declawing, Dr Andy Roark DVM, Dr Susan Wylegala, inhumane, injustice, new york, NY, nysvms, playing the victim, stop declawing, unethical, vet tech, veterinarian, veterinarians, veterinary, veterinary profession, vetlife, vetmed, vettech