The Apathy of Declawing

We must keep educating cat owners about the FACTS about declawing. Throughout the last couple years of taking on this important cause to end declawing I’ve learned this dirty little secret about declawing in the veterinary profession.
Sunday’s Supporters and SpokesCats- From a cat owner in Europe

I live in a country, where toe amputation aka “declawing” was never thinkable or a part of our culture. When I was confronted the first time with this procedure, I really got shocked. What? They do this, although they are donating thousands of dollars to save a burned kitten? How is that possible?
Declaw Cone of Shame

Today is Flashback Friday and I’m in quite a reflective mood. That’s me in the middle with the cone of shame on. It’s from my overnight stay at the Emergency Veterinary Hospital when I came down with that scary vestibular disease.
I’m doing the best I can

My friends. I want to let you all know how much I appreciate you. You all are family to me.
I am City the Kitty. I am the enemy of evil.

I am City the Kitty,
I am the enemy of evil. I am the ally of all cats.
I am the enemy because I protect kitties’ toes. I am the protector of paws.
Declawing is NOT recommended for human health issues

Some unethical pro-declaw veterinarians promote amputating kitties toes to stop cat scratch fever or disease. These are the simple facts about this disease and according to all the modern thinking, educated, and humane veterinarians and human health experts, declawing should NEVER be done for any reason, including this cat scratch fever disease.
City the Kitty’s official statement about America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest

September 12, 2015—City the Kitty, the internet’s beloved 13 lb. orange Manx and polydactyl cat, learned on August 14, 2015 about the AVMA/AVMF’s America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest with 13 days left in the voting.