“We Do Work Hard To Give Cat Owners Advice And Choices.” Really?

The practice where the President of the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association works charges $1.50 per toe to apply Soft Paws to your cat’s nails and this President charges $38 per toe for her to amputate your cat’s toes. The practice that the President of the New York State Veterinary Medical Society owns, charges $4 per toe to apply Soft Paws to your cat’s nails and this President charges $66 per toe for her to amputate your cat’s toes. Both practices require you to bring in your own Soft Paws for the application service.
The NYSVMS Aggressively Defended Their Right To Torture & Maim Animals

The NYSVMS sent this smug email (below) to their 5000 veterinary members yesterday about their victory. They are so proud of this accomplishment of stopping our important declawing bill AND the bill that would have banned the cruel and inhumane mutilating procedure that silences a dog’s voice. As with declawing, this procedure provides no medical benefit to dogs and are done solely for the convenience of the owners.
There are always safe, commonsense, and humane alternatives for the natural scratching behavior in cats and the barking in dogs.
The NYSVMS and other veterinary associations take this route that they don’t want anyone to take away their “medical procedures” because they are “licensed professional veterinarians” and they know the best “medical treatment decisions that are in the best interests of their patients.”
Do They Really Care About Keeping a Cat Out of a Shelter?

They are telling the NY legislators that they really, really care about cats and don’t want them to end up in shelters.
I thought the only way to really verify that they truly care about cats staying out of shelters is to see if they would personally help when you say that you are going to take your cat to a shelter for another behavioral issue that doesn’t involve declawing or making good money on toe amputations
Imagine A World Where Declawing Doesn’t Exist

Who knew when I was born that I would spend my life trying to undo an egregious wrong?
Who knew that when I met my mom, that we would embark on a fight that would consume our lives protecting others’ lives?
Who knew that “doctors” who took an oath to do no wrong, could be paid so little to break that oath and sell their good consciences?
The Minute You Are Ready To Give Up

A wise person once said that the minute you are ready to give up, a miracle will happen. I need a miracle. Dear friends and supporters, Forgive me and I have to vent. This was a typical weekend for me. I start my days by answering emails and notes from people and seeing what the […]
Does the NYSVMS President Walk the Talk?

Cat owner had 6 cats laser declawed at Cheektowaga veterinary hospital by this President. None of the cats had any scratching behavioral issues. Most were 3-4 months old, one was around 1 yr old. Cat owner was asked why they asked this President to declaw all their cats and this cat owner said, “we were young and stupid it was just what we wanted” and “to save the furniture and stuff.”
Historic Feline Research Study

You will be a BIG part of cat history if you help me with this important research and statistical study.
As you know, the Cat Protection Bill is on the table in New York so that’s the state I’m starting with now.

New York. May 4, 2016 President Obama has finally appointed a strong leader to the Supreme Court. “City the Kitty, although relatively small in stature, standing only about 16 inches tall, and very young, I believe he is the youngest Justice ever at only 7 years of age, is the most qualified candidate I have ever known,” said the President at the Confirmation Hearing. “He is extremely knowledgeable about our most pressing and important issue in North America today, cat toes.”