NJVMA started a pro-declawing campaign called Love Your Cats NJ based on fears and speculations about increased euthanasia as a result of NJ anti-declaw bills. 2016

Ever wonder why NJVMA’s pro-declaw facebook page has more likes from countries that don’t speak English and likes from many other states, than from New Jersey?
Yep, the NJVMA doesn’t want you to know the ugly truth about their deceitful campaign and the lies in their testimony to NJ legislators, in their shameful attempt to stop our important cat protection bill.
The truth is, only around 2% of their followers are from New Jersey according to my investigation team. (197 followers) The rest are from places all over the world, from Canada, to the United Kingdom, to Afghanistan, Brazil, and many other states in America.

Dear Santa Claws, All I Want For Christmas

Dear leaders with Cornell Feline Health Center, Purina, and New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association. Please do the right thing and help us end this very inhumane and unnecessary procedure. Declawing should never be an option because there are always humane alternatives. If you really want to be true advocates for animals, you will stop looking the other way to this horrific torture that is being done to around 2 million cats in America. Profiting from any kind of animal cruelty is wrong, and is especially egregious if you don’t do anything to help end it.

Certificate of Bravery for Being Declawed

It’s also sad to me to know how uneducated and lied to some people of the world are because the vets don’t tell them what declawing really is or no one else ever did.

You shouldn’t even be allowed to call yourself a vet if you do this to cats.
You’re supposed to love, protect, and heal these animals, and if you go into the vet field with the mindset that this is okay, you do not belong in it.

NJVMA Spokesvet Dr Mike Yurkus Defends Cat Declawing With Big Fat Lies To Legislators

Dr Mike Yurkus, NJVMA board member, said, “It is incorrect that the last bone of the finger is removed. It is the nail bed. The claw bed is removed and the tendons are detached. Bone is not removed. We do not cut bone.”

FACT- Declawing is always the amputation of the last bone that the cat’s claw is attached to. Many of the New Jersey veterinarians, including one of the NJVMA board members practice Oradell Animal Hospital, in my study, uses the old school clipper method, which often cuts just part of the bone off and the cats are left with painful bone chips in their paws.

She’s a dreamer and she’s not the only one

To my colleagues around the world I just want to say the following: I see people beginning to dislike (hate is such a strong word) veterinarians, accusing them of just wanting the money.

Well, let us all show the world that we became vets because we love animals.

Yes, we need to make a living, but not at the expense of those animals we have vowed to help.

The AVMA, Declawing & Cigarettes. Lies and deception.

Just like the tobacco companies did in the 30’s and 40’s for smoking, the veterinary profession started deceiving cat owners in the 50’s to believe that declawing was humane.
The veterinary associations and pro-declaw veterinarians are still perpetuating these lies and deception about declawing so that they can keep making money from this very inhumane procedure.

AVMA Veterinarian in IL deceives Clients About Declawing

It is OPTIONAL to get any pain meds for your cat and their declaw surgery. The only reason we declaw the back is if they have leather (furniture) and they are totally destroying them or if someone is on a blood thinner. But typically if they are just scratching at something , declawing the front two work out just fine.”