Those who supported the NY bill to ban declawing and those who were silent

There’s a bill in NY to ban declawing that will be back on the table next month. We need all the support we can get to convince the legislators how important this bill is for the welfare of cats!
AVMA veterinarian who is deceiving cat clients about declawing

AVMA veterinarian who is deceiving cat clients about declawing
Declawing cats- Myths vs Facts

Here are facts from top officials and veterinarians at the Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, New York State Humane Association, The Paw Project, and Ethical Veterinary, that you can use when people try to justify doing this mutilating procedure.
Laser Declawing, FBI, Hate Crime

I have a serious and urgent subject to address and have put on my Feline Bureau of Investigation hat to get to the bottom of this alleged crime.
AAFP, American Association of Furniture Protectors

If the AAFP truly cares about the welfare of cats, they can do what their European equivalents, International Society of Feline Medicine/, have done for years, and that is to only give their Cat Friendly accreditation to practices to vet practices that don’t declaw cats.
CATurday Veterinary Heroes- Fed up

“I’m so against declawing that I’ve lost all desire to work in vet medicine.
I worked at ….. Animal Hospital for about a year and half. After the Paw Project came out, Dr ….. and I were thrilled to finally have a tool to help curb the desire to declaw. It worked great! We nearly stopped all declaws.
The Apathy of Declawing

We must keep educating cat owners about the FACTS about declawing. Throughout the last couple years of taking on this important cause to end declawing I’ve learned this dirty little secret about declawing in the veterinary profession.
Sunday’s Supporters and SpokesCats- From a cat owner in Europe

I live in a country, where toe amputation aka “declawing” was never thinkable or a part of our culture. When I was confronted the first time with this procedure, I really got shocked. What? They do this, although they are donating thousands of dollars to save a burned kitten? How is that possible?
AAHA Double Standard & Lack of Accountability for Declawing

Teeger was declawed at an AAHA Hospital. Teeger and his two siblings have had most of their paws amputated due to horrific complications from their declaw procedures.
Declaw Cone of Shame

Today is Flashback Friday and I’m in quite a reflective mood. That’s me in the middle with the cone of shame on. It’s from my overnight stay at the Emergency Veterinary Hospital when I came down with that scary vestibular disease.