Dental Cleanings and Declawing Double Standards

There is a post from a veterinarian on the AVMA’s facebook page that is causing a big uproar and it’s all about standards, ethics, and poor medical care.
The topic is non-anesthesia dental cleaning.
NYSVMS 2015 – “We Scored a Direct Hit”, “We Scored A Major Win For The Profession.”

They’ve even spent a ton of money hiring lobbyists to propagate untruths. They must be spending over $10,000/ month to protect their right to mutilate cat paws! Imagine if they spent that money on helping cats through spay/neuter programs or adoptions!
Thank You Dr. King

He was a great man. A humanitarian, a civil rights activist, and an inspiring leader with integrity and honor.
Veterinary Hero- Dr Lynn Bahr

I received this awesome note and wanted to share it with all of you.
The human at the keyboard

My friends. Tomorrow is CATurday and I seriously need to just have some fun.
I am City the Kitty. I am the enemy of evil.

I am City the Kitty,
I am the enemy of evil. I am the ally of all cats.
I am the enemy because I protect kitties’ toes. I am the protector of paws.
Caturday Heroes- Vet tech fired for doing the right thing

Here you have a very heartbreaking story about someone who is a true hero. This vet tech tried to do the right thing and she was fired.
The AVMA cyberbullies a little orange cat who is trying to end animal cruelty (Declawing)

I am a medium sized orange tabby who’s had a rough couple of months.
I was canned from my job at Friskies and then I got really sick with some sort of dizzying vestibular problem.
Then my mom was picked on by the very big and powerful veterinary organization, the AVMA, who accused us of cyber bullying them in the America’s Favorite Veterinarian contest.
I’m just trying to keep kitty paws healthy and happy by ending declawing. Why do they call me such horrible names and want to shun me?
What has the world come to when a kitty can’t use his fame to protect other kitties?
Declawing is NOT recommended for human health issues

Some unethical pro-declaw veterinarians promote amputating kitties toes to stop cat scratch fever or disease. These are the simple facts about this disease and according to all the modern thinking, educated, and humane veterinarians and human health experts, declawing should NEVER be done for any reason, including this cat scratch fever disease.
Cyber Sniveling

I am City the Kitty and I’m 100% against declawing. I’m here to announce that I do NOT condone REAL cyber bullying, harassing, threatening, or attacking anyone, not even veterinarians who declaw or who declaw kitties on ALL 4 paws. Of course I don’t, so why am I bringing this up?