Part One of a Series 
You can really help us stop the NYSVMS from killing this important Cat Protection Bill in NY by signing these official links and petitions.
Here is the link to the NYSVMS official opposition letter to the legislators of New York. 2nd PDF on the list
[button href=”” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] NYSVMS Memo To Legislators On Why They Want to Keep Declawing Cats[/button]
Please go to these two links and sign the official petition to let the legislators know you support this important bill. It takes about 60 seconds to sign up on the NY Senate site and 30 seconds to just sign the official petition site. [button href=”″ color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Official NY Bill Petition [/button]
[button href=”” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] NY Senate Link Vote “Aye”[/button]
The unenlightened vets of the New York State Veterinary Medical Society (NYSVMS) have declared war on innocent cats. [button href=”” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] NYSVMS Wants to be able to keep declawing cats[/button]
I found a memo that has officially started the battle over the bill in NY to ban declawing.
This is a David against Goliath fight, a good vs. evil war, and I am on the front lines as both an investigative reporter and a warrior. Won’t you join me?
It’s not going to be easy to get the NYS Cat Protection bill passed because we are up against the NYSVMS (the veterinary trade a$$ociation) -they will do everything they can to stop this bill from protecting poor little cat victims. Wait, what?
Vets are spending an obscene amount of money to maintain the right to harm cats!!??!! They are purposely deceiving legislators to try to make them believe that veterinarians should be able to keep amputating cats’ toes by saying it is in the cats’ best interest. Huh??!!!??
(On a side note, in 2013 they were able to stop the bill that would have prevented their friends at Hudson Valley Foie Gras Farm from shoving long metal pipes down the ducks’ throats 2-3 times a day in the inhumane process of making the over-grown, diseased, fatty liver that some misguided people call foie gras and think is a delicacy. I am a cat, I lick my own butt to clean it, and that still makes me barf!
I want to ask that you PLEASE do NOT write threatening or hateful comments on their social media pages or threaten their practices. They will twist things around and focus on that as a reason why our side is crazy and they are the poor victims of wacko animal rights humaniacs.
I understand your anger and frustration but we must take the high road regardless.
This is how you win a war. The cats are the only victims.
In the NYSVMS January, 2016 newsletter, they write about cyber-bullying and how veterinarians are being unfairly targeted. (Poor them, they mutilate cats and then whine and snivel when they get a bad yelp review.)
You can write things like this: I am not sure if this vet was trained by Putin or at Gitmo, but either way, she does a lot of declawing to punish cats for scratching. Not sure if she water boards too. Probably. If you need your animal to confess to sleeping on the couch while you’re at work, she probably has the techniques to get that out of them.
Dr. Voldemort, personal veterinarian to both Joseph Stalin and Idi Amin said, “What the heck, cats like being declawed. I know because I’ve done 1000s and every one of them enjoyed it. They all know it’s the punishment for scratching in this country and they still keep scratching.”
And remember they make all sorts of excuses to be able to keep amputating kitties toes and claws. Well, here is a new story that’s hot off the presses that will show you that they have no more valid excuses to keep doing this mutilating procedure…except GREED.
Here is a glimpse of how the President of the NYSVMS personally addresses declawing at her practice. She is leading this veterinary organization to try to stop our Cat Protection Bill. [button href=”” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] NYSVMS President and Declawing[/button]
[button href=”” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] The Daily Beast Story[/button]