Cornell Feline Health Center Gave Another Big FU To Mrs Rhoda Hogan’s $125,000 Bequest

Cornell was awarded Rhoda Hogan’s $125,000 bequest in 2007. Mrs Hogan wanted it to be used to help end declawing. Mrs Hogan’s bequest decision was approved by the courts in NH. Cornell lied and said they used $100,000 of it to make 6 short and simple videos in 2008. Cornell Rhoda Hogan’s Bequest Story Almost […]
Did Cornell Give A Big FU to Rhoda Hogan’s Bequest Because She’s A Woman?

Many wealthy women throughout history have left some or all of their fortunes to some sort of animal welfare cause.
Leona Helmsley, Tobacco heiress Doris Duke, philanthropist Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge, candy heiress Helen Vorhees Brach and Thelma Doelger, the widow of famed architect Henry Doelger, all established foundations intended to benefit animals.
All of these woman, whose trustees and attorneys were all male had their bequest wishes either overturned, ignored, or used for the bare minimum.
These women’s trustees and attorneys – all or mostly male – either completely ignored their wishes as regards animal welfare causes, or over time came to honor them to an increasingly bare minimum.Could Rhoda Hogan be another example since Cornell lied about how they used her bequest, did the minimum that they had to do with her large bequest, and 14 years later they still haven’t used the remaining $25,502.
Mr Lee, a cat lover, asked Cornell why they won’t support the anti-declawing legislation in NY

I believe that you could be a leader here if you wanted to. One day, declawing will be illegal in NYS and you’ll probably share in the celebration saying that Cornell has always been against declawing.
But really, have you?
Amputating Laboratory Cat’s Toes To Test A Pain Med

These unethical humans used some of their cats that were purpose-bred laboratory cats from their colony and amputated the toes and claws on ONE paw, then did a washout/crossover, and 2 weeks later amputated the toes and claws on the cat’s other paw. Whatever treatment they got (Simbadol or nothing) the first time, they got the opposite the second.
They say in this study that none of the cats required “rescue” pain meds. Really??? In this day and age, why would anyone think it’s EVER okay for ANY cat to receive ZERO pain meds after barbarically having their toe bones and claws amputated is beyond me.
Dear Santa Claws, All I Want For Christmas

Dear leaders with Cornell Feline Health Center, Purina, and New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association. Please do the right thing and help us end this very inhumane and unnecessary procedure. Declawing should never be an option because there are always humane alternatives. If you really want to be true advocates for animals, you will stop looking the other way to this horrific torture that is being done to around 2 million cats in America. Profiting from any kind of animal cruelty is wrong, and is especially egregious if you don’t do anything to help end it.
Do The Right Thing Cornell Feline Health Center

Regarding Mrs Rhoda Hogan’s $125,500 bequest to Cornell. Cornell said that they used $100,000 to make 6 short videos. Cornell said that $25,500 has been sitting in a Feline Health Center account all these years and say their, “current leadership intends to use the funds to support novel public outreach efforts to encourage non-surgical alternatives to declawing. They are actively evaluating the most effective means for carrying out this plan.”
We Lost A Big Battle Today But We Must Never Give Up

The NYSVMS, Long Island Veterinary Medical Association, and other NY veterinary associations successfully stopped our bill. Some of the Senators had some “concerns” about our cat protection bill and obviously believed the NYSVMS’s disgusting propaganda about declawing.
Amputating A Cat’s Toes and Claws “Might Cause Some Degree of Discomfort” Says Cornell’s Bruce Kornreich

Story published June 2016 Bruce Kornreich is now the Director of Cornell’s Feline Health Center. 2020 Update. UPDATE 2017, Cornell Small Animal Hospital stopped declawing. I’m shocked and appalled at Bruce Kornreich, the Ass. Director of the Cornell Feline Health Center’s comment about declawing in this 2016 news story. Here’s an excerpt from a story […]
Imagine A World Where Declawing Doesn’t Exist

Who knew when I was born that I would spend my life trying to undo an egregious wrong?
Who knew that when I met my mom, that we would embark on a fight that would consume our lives protecting others’ lives?
Who knew that “doctors” who took an oath to do no wrong, could be paid so little to break that oath and sell their good consciences?
Historic Feline Research Study

You will be a BIG part of cat history if you help me with this important research and statistical study.
As you know, the Cat Protection Bill is on the table in New York so that’s the state I’m starting with now.