He drew up the solution and euthanized that sweet declawed kitten in a matter of minutes.

The vet never mentioned the real reason for the kitten’s behavior, which was the horrible pain in her toes from that declaw surgery. He drew up the euthanasia solution and euthanized that sweet declawed kitten in a matter of minutes.

I cried for that kitten for weeks afterwards. I felt the pain, fear, and suffering every kitten and cat endured because of those declaw surgeries for the whole of my career.

Did the Colorado VetMed Association Pay The Denver Post Columnist For The Opinion Piece About The Denver Anti-Declawing Bill?

Krista Kafer, a Denver Post columnist, wrote an opinion piece about the anti-declawing bill in Denver. Here it is. [button href=”http://www.denverpost.com/2017/10/26/sadly-denvers-proposed-cat-declawing-ordinance-would-hurt-some-cats/” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Denver Post Opinion Piece About the Anti-declawing bill in Denver[/button] My mom sent an email to Krista Kafer on October 27, 2017, asking her some questions and also sent her lots of […]

Why Do Declawing Vets Keep Playing the Cyber-bullying Victim Card?

Sept. 2017 Why do declawing vets keep playing the cyber-bullying victim card? Another declawing vet practice is crying cyber-bully victim after hundreds of people provided factual and scientific, educational information to correct some false information that they were giving to the public about declawing cats and cat health. The irony is that this is a […]

It Still Haunts Me

He was an orange and white splotched kitty with a huge personality matched only by his massive purr. A love bug to everyone who came in and playful. He tolerated having ears and tail tugged by special needs children that came to visit and would purr and snuggle despite it all. He understood they just didn’t understand and that they just wanted love the same as he did. He was the heart of the shelter and the staff and we all had a special place for Magic.

“I feel like I have failed you”

I received this sad note from an awesome woman who really cares about the welfare of cats. It’s really sad that this cat cruelty and abuse is happening in around 80% of veterinary practices in America. It’s hard to believe that all those declawing vets took an oath to EASE the suffering in animals yet are causing it by amputating the toe bones and claws in around 5000 cats a DAY in America.

Is This The Standard of Excellence In Veterinary Medicine? Advertising Cat Cruelty?

In June of 2017 a coupon showed up in resident’s mailboxes in the Crystal Lake area of Illinois. This coupon was from Randall Road Animal Hospital and had an offer for a 2 paw and 4 paw declaw.

Last year, in 2016, this hospital was accredited as an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) practice which means it has the highest standards of care in veterinary medicine. AAHA has a position statement on declawing that says they are “strongly opposes the declawing of domestic cats” and has 900 standards of care that these hospitals must follow, but not one for declawing. They go over these vet hospitals with a fine tooth comb but don’t care about how they address the mutilating procedure of declawing.

“They Don’t Act Like Anything Has Happened”

In June 2017 this veterinary practice posted this photo of two kittens with bloody paws, who were just declawed and said on the caption, “When the two siblings were “fixed” and declawed the day before, but they don’t act like anything has happened…”

Declawing Veterinarians Can’t Be Trusted

She wrote, “I am in the medical field and smart enough to know surgery vs not. My cats, none of them have a knuckle or any amputation removed. Have you seen a human who had to have a toe nail removed? When it’s done it’s permanent. Apparently you need to educate yourself. ”

She went on to say, “I am educated to know what procedure I used and was anti declaw and still am however this procedure made sleep better at night. My animals were and are my babies until I had children.
My cats are not harmed for life. It’s people like you that give people like me who are educated and find other procedures, a bad name. When you hear de claw people like me, who research and find other options are thrown under the bus and our vet lied. Sorry. Some of us know the difference.”

Amputating Laboratory Cat’s Toes To Test A Pain Med

These unethical humans used some of their cats that were purpose-bred laboratory cats from their colony and amputated the toes and claws on ONE paw, then did a washout/crossover, and 2 weeks later amputated the toes and claws on the cat’s other paw. Whatever treatment they got (Simbadol or nothing) the first time, they got the opposite the second.

They say in this study that none of the cats required “rescue” pain meds. Really??? In this day and age, why would anyone think it’s EVER okay for ANY cat to receive ZERO pain meds after barbarically having their toe bones and claws amputated is beyond me.

Clairabelle, the declawed kitty who is suffering from her amputations

In 2015 I adopted a 5 year old calico that was front paw declawed. She was declawed with her spay surgery.
I was told that she is a pure breed straight ear Scottish fold.
I picked her up in a freak snowstorm at 4 am because her former owner was leaving on vacation and would be dropping her at the vet for euthanasia if I couldn’t get her that morning. They said she was having cat pan issues. I was certain I could help her and I fell in love with the pictures they sent me of her. I’m happy to say that we never had any pan issues.
She is getting older and I noticed that her right leg was sensitive sometimes after she would jump down off the furniture. Lately, she is limping most of the time. I can feel a pointed piece of what I think is bone in her sore toe.
She is a love bug but when she is hurting she will gently bite my hand while I’m checking her feet. I love her dearly and I know she was destined to be my baby for the remainder of her days