Why Do Fear Free Certified Practices Allow Declawing?

Story published on Jan. 23, 2021 UPDATE JAN. 2022- FEAR FREE PETS BANNED DECLAWING IN ALL THEIR PRACTICES. Comment from Dr Marty Becker in 2019 on Facebook. (VCA and Banfield stopped declawing in early 2020 and AAFP announced in Dec. 2020 that they will no longer allow declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY Practices in […]
Greta Was Killed at An AAHA Accredited Animal Hospital BECAUSE she was declawed.

A woman adopted Greta when she was 4 months old from PawsPrayersPromises.org rescue.The woman signed their no-declaw contract.The woman had Greta declawed at an unknown animal hospital.
Greta started biting so the woman took her to an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited animal hospital and asked the vet to kill little Greta.
The AAHA vet acquiesced and little Greta lost her life.
Press Release: AAHA Sicced Their Lawyers on City the Kitty Nonprofit

On October 30, 2020, GoDaddy, City the Kitty nonprofit’s website hosting company, sent them a DMCA complaint alleging that copyright infringement is taking place on CitytheKitty.org.
The complaint was from the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) who alleged that the use of their declawing information and logo was an infringement of AAHA’s rights.
The Veterinary Organizations/Companies Who Did The Right Thing and Banned Declawing

Here are the veterinary organizations that recently did the humane and right thing and stopped allowing declawing in their accredited veterinary practices.
This declawing vet in Fremont, MI knows she’s wrong but she’s doubling down.

Sept. 2020 PLEASE ALWAYS TAKE THE HIGH ROAD, BE POLITE, AND EDUCATE. NEVER THREATEN ANYONE. The definition of a bully is, “a person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.” Isn’t a declawing veterinarian a bully? Declawing harms the health and well-being of innocent and vulnerable kittens and cats. […]
Are declawing veterinarians contributing to more COVID-19 deaths? Read this story.

There are around 26,000 veterinary practices in America.
Around 21,000 of these practices declaw cats.
Most of these declawing vet practices are still using much needed PPE (masks, gloves, and gowns) to declaw cats and perform elective procedures despite national efforts to conserve this protective medical gear and despite the calls from the AVMA, state veterinary associations, healthcare organizations, hospitals, and state officials, to cease all routine surgeries and services.
These declawing vets are putting profits first and also defying nationwide pleas for sheltering in place, by allowing their clients to come to their clinics for these elective, non-therapeutic procedures.
These declawing vets are using precious PPE to declaw cats and this cruelty towards cats could contribute to more COVID-19 deaths.
Will Dr Kelly St. Denis Be Able to Ban Declawing in AAFP’s Cat Friendly Practices?

Update!!!! GREAT NEWS! December 2020, AAFP announced that they will no longer allow declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY Practices! Dr Kelly St. Denis must have inspired AAFP to finally do the right thing! Here’s their announcement and all the helpful information! AAFP Announcement Story published on Oct. 26, 2019. “Let’s end declawing now”- Dr […]
International Cat Care Licenses Their CAT FRIENDLY Program To An Organization That Allows Declawing

International Cat Care (ICatCare.org) and its veterinary division licenses their Cat Friendly Program to the American Association of Feline Practitioners. (AAFP)
AAFP allows declawing in their CAT FRIENDLY PRACTICES. Here’s our 2018 survey of 156 CAT FRIENDLY Practices. 85% of them declaw cats.
Why would ICatCare license their Cat Friendly Program to an organization that allows this inhumane and mutilating amputation procedure in their CAT FRIENDLY Practices?
Why doesn’t Lamar Advertising want cat owners to know that declawing is amputation?

City the Kitty, the famous internet cat is being silenced and censored in West Michigan for trying to get the truth and facts out about declawing.
American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) And Their Dirty Little Secret

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) says that they are the trusted leader in feline health and welfare yet why do they want to keep the facts about declawing from the public and why do they allow their CAT FRIENDLY Practices to perform this inhumane and mutilating procedure.