Many of you have been here from Day 1 when I was just a little kitten starting my new life in the world in my new home, fresh off the streets.
You stayed with me when I took on this important cause 3 yrs ago to end declawing. Despite the depressing and sad posts that I often do, you know that I’m only trying to help the kitties.
I wish I could always just post happy and funny photos and videos but you understand why I must shine light on this dark and shameful chapter in veterinary medicine in America. So that it will end and so that all kitties will be safe.
Most of you were there for me in December when I lost my only job and then got so sick with the vestibular disease. I wasn’t even sure if I would really make it. Many of you even offered to pay for my medical care but we wanted to wait until now when we could offer you something special back.
You know that my mom and I work every single waking moment on this cause as volunteers and it drains you to see so many photos of cats suffering and sad stories. The only thing that keeps us going is all of your support and the kitties.
Some days it feels like we’ve been in a heavyweight fight and we want to raise the white flag. But we know we must never give up. No matter how the pro-declaw side tries to stop us, we will fight on. No matter how they knock us down, we will get back up again.
We are all fighting the good fight with passion in our hearts and souls and we will win someday. Yes we will, because the winds of good are blowing stronger and stronger than the dark side. Someday all kitties will be safe from the hands of the pro-declaw “doctors” who destroy their paws, harm their well being, and take away so much of what make them a feline.
I want to remind you all that there are hundreds of honorable veterinarians who are also helping in this fight to end declawing. They are heroes. They know what it means to be true advocates for all animals and always think of the animal’s needs first. They completely honor their oath to heal and don’t make excuses.
Thank for making this book project come true. We are so looking forward to making it really special, uplifting, inspiring AND funny!
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts and top of my toes and claws.
City and family
I have to get back to work since there are just a few days to raise awareness for the bill in New York to ban declawing and the enemy is working really hard to try to be able to keep harming and destroying kitty’s paws!!!
[button href=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/citythekitty/city-the-kitty-my-first-inspirational-photobook” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Kickstarter link for my book[/button]