We started this campaign in 2016 to inspire property management companies to do the right thing and not require declawing their pet policies.
If you know of an apartment complex that requires declawing, please send their name and contact info for the company that owns them to [email protected] Please put the state in the subject line of the email.
So far we have inspired property management companies with over 89,900 apartments to do the right thing and take the declaw requirement out of their pet policies!!
Thanks to ALL of you for your help, tips, and support!!!!
You are helping to make a difference in the lives of cats!!
Feb. 2022 Update.
A supporter in MN sent us a note saying that their apartment manager said that they must get their 19 year old cat declawed to be able to stay in their apartment. This supporter said that there is no way they are going to get their cat declawed and asked us if we could help.
The company that owns the apartment complex is MBG Property Management in MN.
MBG has a staff of 80 people managing 2,000 apartment units in the Twin Cities metro area and greater Minnesota. Their pet policy required cats to be declawed in 19 of their properties.
Here’s a photo of the cat named Barbie. This supporter has had Barbie since they were a 5 year old child.
We reached out to the folks at MBG and educated them about how declawing is bad for cats, how declawed cats often stop using the litter box and bite because of the pain and discomfort in their paws, how it is animal cruelty, and gave them ideas about the easy, humane options.
After a couple positive email exchanges, MBG said that they would take out the declaw requirement out of their pet policy!
Please give a BIG thank you to MBG Property Management for doing the right thing and truly caring about the welfare of all animals. Here’s their email – [email protected]
January 2021 update. K & D company is Northeast Ohio’s largest privately owned property management and development firm. K&D owns and manages over 45 apartment communities, consisting of nearly 10,000 units throughout Northeast Ohio. In 2020 they took the declaw requirement out of their pet policy.
(When we reached out to K&D in 2017, they told us that they will not be taking the declaw requirement out of their pet policy.)
September 2019 update.
We successfully inspired Land & Co. that is primarily in West Michigan with around 7,000 units to take the declawing requirement out of their pet policy. An exec. with this company said she decided to stop requiring declawing in September of 2018 when she received our information and videos. She said it was not long after that Land & Company changed their policy and updated all of their addendums.
We successfully inspired Millennia Housing Management, LTD, that owns 278 apartment complexes in 26 states, to take the declawing requirement out of their pet policy. http://themillenniacompanies.com/
We successfully inspired Lautrec LTD, in Michigan, to take the declaw requirement out of their pet policy in May 2019. http://www.lautrecltd.com/en/apartments
These Michigan companies and Rockford Property Management recently took out the declaw requirement from their pet policies on their own.
We asked Rockford Property Management, that manages more than 500 apartment units in Grand Rapids, why they removed the declaw requirement out of their pet policy and they told us, “we had a few residents personally reach out to us and explain why declawing is wrong and that it should not be a requirement for cats living at our communities. We agreed wholeheartedly and it ended up being a great decision for both our residents and their furry friends.”
The Gladwin City Housing Commission took out the declaw requirement around 5 years ago.
—————————————————————————————————————————————– The Good.
How this campaign started in 2016.
We sent an inspiring note, with facts about declawing, to the regional manager of Samaritan Companies and also informed him how we inspired 3 other big property management companies to take the declawing requirement out of their pet policies.
Today we received this note from this awesome manager from this company, Samaritan Companies. 
Hey Lori,
I did receive your email and discussed it internally with the regional managers yesterday evening before we left for the day. We have come to the agreement that we are going to remove the declawing policy in our current Resident Policies. However, due to hardwood floors and trim, we will be increasing our Pet Deposit. I appreciate you reaching out to us and we are more than happy to accommodate our furry friends the way they are! We plan on having another internal meeting within the next week (most likely after Labor Day weekend) and will re-write the policies to become truly pet friendly across all 6,000 units across Indiana & Ohio.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Best Regards,
Nick Shrout
IT Director / Regional Manager
Samaritan Companies
We are happy to say that usually when rational, compassionate, and decent human beings, like these folks at Samaritan Companies, learn the awful truth about declawing and how it is inhumane and mutilating, they do the right thing and take the declaw requirement out of their company’s pet policy.
Here are more property management companies that became truly “Pet Friendly” and took the declawing requirements out of their pet policies after we reached out to them.
Flaherty & Collins- 105 properties and 15,409 multifamily units in 12 states across the nation.
Here is the note we received from this awesome company.
Hi Lori,
Marketing & Communications Director
Flaherty & Collins Properties
[button href=”https://www.facebook.com/flahertycollins/?fref=ts” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Flaherty & Collins Facebook page[/button]
Steadfast Companies- Owns and/or operates more than 36,000 units in 23 states across the United States
[button href=”https://www.facebook.com/SteadfastManagementCo/?fref=ts” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Steadfast Facebook Page[/button]
IRET- 259 properties and 11,765 apartments
[button href=”https://www.facebook.com/IRETproperties/?fref=ts” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] IRET Facebook page[/button]
The Bad.
These 2 companies that we reached out to chose to keep the declawing requirement in their pet policy even after being educated on how inhumane, cruel, and mutilating it is.
Simco Management Corp. in Ohio, and Scion Group in Illinois.
Scion owns lots of University apartments. One of their paralegal’s wrote me back and said, “The Executive Board has decided to watch what a few states do, which are considering legislation on this topic. Thank you for your interest. “
Some of the ones that require declawing are The Village at Muller Park in Bloomington, Indiana, (for students at Indiana University) [button href=”https://www.facebook.com/thevillageatmullerpark/” newwindow=”yes”] The Village at Muller Park facebook page[/button]
Simco’s apartment managers say that they are “Cat Friendly”, yet they require cat owners to amputate their poor little kitties toe bones and claws (declaw)
(Sadly this reminds me of how AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners) allows their “Cat Friendly” practices to declaw as a first option, promote declawing, and lie and deceive cat owners about this mutilating and inhumane procedure)
After I reached out to the executives of this company, Rick Noca, [email protected] and [email protected] and Rick Noca’s reply was,
Lori, We will be making no change to our policy at this time.
Maybe you can respectfully inspire them to do the right thing.