Meet Floyd, the rescue kitty.
He accidentally had his toes and claws amputated at a veterinary practice.
Floyd’s owners came home one day to find a meowing little kitty in their front yard. They took him in to their home, with the intention of passing him on to their local non profit or local humane society with the hope he would be adopted but neither would take him.
They took Floyd in for an exam with the local vet and detailed what they wanted for him. Here is the paperwork from the exam day. 
Since Floyd was their first stray and they weren’t sure of all the tests that needed to be done the veterinarian helped them with the choices. They recommended a neuter, rabies, FVRCP,FELV, dewormer. The vet asked if they wanted Floyd declawed and the cats owners were adamant that absolutely NOT.
So they brought him home, kept him isolated over the weekend and then took him to the vet Monday morning.
The veterinary practice had a lot of people waiting and it was quite chaotic. The cat owner forgot to bring the paperwork that morning so they put another sticker on a new consent form, asked the cat owner to sign it first and then filled out the boxes while quickly asking the cat owner what she had asked for. The cat owner said NO when the receptionist asked her if she wanted a declaw but the receptionist mixed up the words declaw and dewormer and checked the DECLAW box.
So instead of getting dewormed, Floyd got declawed.
Here is what Floyd’s owner said,
“When I got there they made we wait a long time before asking me to come back to have a conversation. That is when they told me they “Accidentally” declawed Floyd. Their excuse was that it was such a crazy morning she couldn’t remember whether or not we wanted declawing so they went ahead and did it anyway.
It’s hard to type my initial reaction, my palm went to my mouth, my heart went into my heels and I just wanted to see my friend Floyd.
The tech apologized aggressively and I consoled as far as I could. I do realize that we all make mistakes. They “Graciously” informed me that they would not be charging me for the $200 declawing so I paid $123 for the services I actually asked for.”
It turns out that Floyd never had a blood test to confirm if he was healthy enough for the neuter and declaw surgeries. A few days later poor Floyd was rushed to a veterinary specialty clinic. He was having congestive heart failure and his chest filled with fluid. They said he is around 4 yrs old and not 1 yr old. He had a horrible infection and was put in an oxygen cage. The vet specialists say that most likely the stress of the surgeries.
Floyd spent two days in this ER practice and was taken home yesterday. He is being closely monitored today since he’s not out of the woods yet on this horrible nightmare.
I will post regular updates about Floyd’s story.
Let’s try to get the bill passed in NY that would ban this common, inhumane, and mutilating surgery so that all kitties can be safe from what Floyd had to endure. His life is forever changed in a negative way all because this cruel procedure is routinely performed in around 80% of veterinary practices in America. It is just appalling and the “doctors” who declaw cats are a shame to the veterinary profession that is ALL about healing and helping animals.
Please read this story on how the NYSVMS is trying to STOP the bill in NY that would ban declawing in that state. [button href=”https://citythekitty.org/nysvms-wants-to-be-able-to-keep-declawing-cats/” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] New York veterinary leaders want to be able to keep declawing cats[/button]
Tagged aafp, aaha, America's Favorite Veterinarian, American Animal Hospital Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, Andy Roark, animal abuse, aspca, avma, avmf, cat, cats, cats scandalous, catvets, city the kitty, david and goliath, declaw, declawed, declawing, Dr Andy Roark DVM, Dr Susan Wylegala, DVM, evil, inhumane, injustice, javma, kitten, kitty, legislation, new york, New York State Veterinary Medical Society, NY, nysvms, playing the victim, sold their souls, stop declawing, unethical, vet tech, veterinarian, veterinarians, veterinary, veterinary medicine, veterinary profession, vetlife, vetmed, vettech